the roll axis a1 in [...] roll axis a1 in X [...] roll axis a1 in Y
StrLenA (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION StrLenA : DINT [...] determines the length of a
StrCpyWtoA (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION StrCpyWtoA : INT It does a copy
_MultV : BOOL Multiplies a [...] hand side to a [...] a column vector
_MultV_Left Multiplies a vector from [...] to a matrix, treating it as a row
WithInfo2 Transformation FB for a 2-axis gantry. In a gantry [...] axis (a0), i.e. a
_ErrorCodes : InOut: Name [...] Notification of a Slave that a lengthy
_ErrorCodes : InOut: Name [...] Notification of a Slave that a lengthy
><p>A combination [...] a process</p></description> InOut: Scope
_SphereWithLine : UDINT Intersects a [...] radius with a line given by a base point