[0..3] OF BYTE uiPort UINT x [...] Address ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE
ジン Relative to MCS: dX = 0 dY = 0 dZ = 0 X [...] 置の値および軸 a0 の位置の値が 0 のと
ジン Relative to MCS: dX = 0 dY = 0 dZ = 0 X [...] ジン 両軸の位置の値が 0 であ
0. X Corresponds [...] : dX = 0 dY = 0 d [...] axes (X, Y, Z
32 bits “xBit0” .. “xBit31”. Prefix [...] Value xBit0 BOOL Bit 0
Type Comment Input x [...] ) OR [0°,180°] (FALSE). x
configuration data Output x [...] ) OR [0°,180°] (FALSE). x
v0 = v(x-h/2), v1 = v(x+h/2) as v = (v1 - v0) / h. In
xRunning BOOL PNIOStatus = 0 xBusy BOOL PNIOStatus = 1 xError BOOL
ChannelErrorType IOLD_Event_gt0x [...] : EventCode 0x [...] ChannelErrorType 0x0005 Direct