write variables b [...] AdditionalChannel BOOL eReplyState PlcConnectionState The required state
additional latch variables. Methods: GetCountLatchVariables [...] Message , inherited from IAlarm GetState
internal state variables.
alarm belongs to eState AlarmState The current state of the
FBs. May be NULL. m_paStateVariables [...] Vars Pointer to the StateVariables [...] PropChanges FBs. May be NULL. m_paColorVariables
variables xDone , x [...] . The state of the output variables will
DrvEtherNetIP ¶ Enums AdapterState [...] ) ScannerState (Enum [...] BusInfo (Method) GetBusState
) State Machines CLClientState (Enum) CLRequestState (Enum) Sys
BusInfo (Method) GetBusState (Method) IDevice CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState (Method) CheckSupportedCommunicationState
variables (because the [...] variables can vary) In [...] of the last state