(string, binary, array [...] LastBlock variable must be set to [...] specific length of it
length read. N shall [...] RecordData ARRAY [0..1023] OF [...] data. The array must
HelpID array is already full [...] length of the first [...] The original length
vector dP5 : Length of [...] P6 : Length of the subaxis [...] /sec²) dLength LREAL
Data array of CAN [...] message length. by
COVIncrement ControlledVariableReference ControlledVariableUnits ControlledVariable
61850_ASN1_EncodingStruct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array_Count (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array [...] 61850_Encoding_ListOfData_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfVariable
, string and variable [...] the same array
, string and variable [...] the same array
interpolation length of the [...] elements, the arc length [...] neither arc length nor