errorResult may hold [...] ETrigATo xError BOOL TRUE : Error
Tree ¶ Enums ERROR [...] Base (FunctionBlock) ChildCount [...] Sibling (Property) SiblingCount
MsgLeft : CAA.COUNT ; eError : CL2.ERROR ; END [...] implemented peError := ADR
DrvEthernet ¶ Enums ErrorCode (Enum [...] SpecificBusState (Method) INode ChildNodeCount [...] Node (Property) SiblingNodeCount
and an error if [...] ] OF IDataItem2 iItemCount
) Rao (Method) Count [...] ) Release (Method) SetReceivedItemsCount (Method) SetSentItemsCount
xClBusy BOOL xClError BOOL iClError INT x [...] in case of error
_EXIT (Method) GetCount [...] Storage (FunctionBlock) ErrorHandling GetError
Collections ¶ Enums COLLECTION_ERROR [...] (Method) prvInstCount [...] (Method) prvInstCount
the parameter iCount [...] storage Output eError [...] successfully or not. ETrendStorageReaderErrors.NoError