IModule ¶ CallPrioHighStart (Method) CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) OnAfterOnlineChange (Method)
PersistenceChannel.CallPrioHighStart (METH) ¶ METHOD CallPrioHighStart : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return CallPrioHighStart BOOL
PersistenceChannel.SuccessfulWriteCycles (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY SuccessfulWriteCycles : __UXINT see IPersistenceChannel5.SuccessfulWriteCycles
PersistenceChannel.WriteCycles (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY WriteCycles : __UXINT see IPersistenceChannel5.WriteCycles
PersistenceChannel.SetIsActionOngoing (METH) ¶ METHOD SetIsActionOngoing : BOOL This method tries to set that this channel is currently active writing or reading. ..return: If it was possible to set the current state of activity. If this is FALSE xIsActionOngoing has not been set! InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetIsActionOngoing BOOL Input xIsActionOngoing BOOL
private ¶ Callback EventCallback (Method) fb_exit (Method)
Callback ¶ EventCallback (Method)
PersistenceChannel.fb_exit (METH) ¶ METHOD fb_exit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return fb_exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL if TRUE, the exit method is called for exiting an instance that is copied afterwards (online change).
PersistenceChannelAction (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PersistenceChannelAction : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial None 0 Reading Writing
PersistenceManager (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PersistenceManager EXTENDS AC.Module IMPLEMENTS IPersistenceManager2 , IDataChangeDetector InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input uiNumberOfChannels UINT submodules pChannels POINTER TO IPersistenceChannel Properties: ChannelReading ChannelWriting DataChangedInOnlineChange NumberOfChannels Methods: DisableLogSaveTimes EnableLogSaveTimes Init OnAfterOnlineChange OnBeforeOnlineChange GetPersistenceChannelByIndex GetPersistenceChannelByName Structure: DisableLogSaveTimes (Method) EnableLogSaveTimes (Method) IPersistenceManager GetPersistenceChannelByIndex (Method) GetPersistenceChannelByName (Method) NumberOfChannels (Property) IPersistenceManager2 ChannelReading (Property) ChannelWriting (Property) Init (Method) OnAfterOnlineChange (Method) OnBeforeOnlineChange (Method) OnlineChangeDetection DataChangedInOnlineChange (Property)