value of velocity of [...] . With dwTimeStamp you [...] latched output in dwTime
integral function of the [...] )\) over the time [...] actual time \(t_{n
Type StartTime OpcUa_DateTime EndTime OpcUa_DateTime [...] Ua_Double NoOf
predicted pose of the CS corresponding to a given time [...] state and on the time
_NODES : Symbolic NodeId’s of a [...] The local NodeId of [...] Master of this network
state ActivationTime TIME The time stamp of the last
time of active plc [...] cycle count ulWaitTime [...] . [ms] ulWaitTime
StateCount ChangeOfStateTime [...] Delay TimeDelayNormal TimeOfActiveTimeReset TimeOf
required number of time [...] time of two raising [...] frequency of an input
types in form of [...] DateRange (Struct) BACnetDateTime [...] SetpointReference (Struct) BACnetTime