difference to normal [...] libraries serve to make [...] are to be
. The objects’ ToString [...] the string to [...] converted to string to
Var := DINT_TO_BYTE(di [...] Var:LINT; byVar:BYTE; ui [...] Var := LINT_TO_SINT(li
Var); siVar := BYTE_TO [...] Var :BYTE; udiVar : UDINT [...] _VAR liVar := ULINT_TO
implementing plugins to [...] specific to the SVN [...] plugins to modify the
property DisplayString [...] ProjectServices2.GetInfo to get that [...] date. Set to the
_localized_display_name ( bool ) – if set to [...] NewName ) ¶ Renames the object to [...] objects and projects to
DestAddress REFERENCE TO STRING [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] SysSockSendTo
will be passed on to [...] implicitly sets handled to [...] the credentials to
DPT16_KNX_to_IEC (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DPT16_KNX_to_IEC : STRING(14) Convert the