SwapHeader DWORD Input pHeaderTag POINTER TO DWORD A [...] SwapHeader : DWORD InOut: Scope
_ICollectsSecondOffset DWORD 16#1003 This ID [...] _ICollectsPropertyInformation DWORD 16#1004 ITFID_ILeafTreeNode DWORD 16#1006 ITFID
SizeFactor : REAL This property [...] record size used to [...] records to be deleted
ModuleType DWORD dwInstance DWORD dwParameterId DWORD pData POINTER
ModuleType DWORD dwInstance DWORD dwParameterId DWORD pData POINTER
scaleFactor REAL The [...] Orientation REAL The orientation [...] rotationAngle REAL The
AccSwap : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] AccSwap DWORD Input p [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE dw
AccSwap : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] AccSwap DWORD Input p [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE dw
PrevValue REAL Visu [...] to check, if the [...] to be stored. r
MemAlloc DWORD Input dwSize DWORD Bytes to [...] MemAlloc : DWORD InOut: Scope