DataLogManager.LogBias (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY LogBias : BOOL
IDataLogManager (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataLogManager EXTENDS AC.IModule Methods: ExternaLogAllChannels Structure: ExternaLogAllChannels (Method)
AC_DataLog Library Documentation ¶ Company 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Title AC_DataLog Version Categories Application|Composer Namespace AC_DataLog Author 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Placeholder AC_DataLog Description 1 ¶ This library contains ApplicationComposer Modules needed for data logging. Contents: ¶ AC_DataLog ComponentManager Constants (GVL) DataLogChannel DataLogInstanceList (Struct) DataLogManager DataLogStorage DataLogVarDesc (Struct) Functions IP (ImagePool) Queue TL (TextList) GlobalTextList (GlobalTextList) Library Information GetLibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) IsLibReleased (Function) Indices and tables ¶ 1 Based on AC_DataLog.library, last modified 08.08.2023, 09:13:57. LibDoc The content file AC_DataLog.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 08.08.2023, 09:13:57.
ComponentManager ¶ RegisterComponent (FunctionBlock) Init (Method) fb_exit (Method) fb_init (Method)
AC_DataLog ¶ ComponentManager RegisterComponent (FunctionBlock) Init (Method) fb_exit (Method) fb_init (Method) Constants (GVL) DataLogChannel DataLogChannel (FunctionBlock) EventCallback EventCallback (Method) IDataLogChannel Enable (Property) GetAllDataLogVariables (Method) GetIsActionOngoing (Method) LogAll (Method) SetIsActionOngoing (Method) UseHashValues (Property) IModule CallPrioHighStart (Method) Init (Method) fb_exit (Method) DataLogChannel (FunctionBlock) EventCallback EventCallback (Method) IDataLogChannel Enable (Property) GetAllDataLogVariables (Method) GetIsActionOngoing (Method) LogAll (Method) SetIsActionOngoing (Method) UseHashValues (Property) IModule CallPrioHighStart (Method) Init (Method) fb_exit (Method) IDataLogChannel (Interface) Enable (Property) GetAllDataLogVariables (Method) GetIsActionOngoing (Method) LogAll (Method) SetIsActionOngoing (Method) UseHashValues (Property) DataLogInstanceList (Struct) DataLogManager DataLogManager (FunctionBlock) Bias (Property) CallPrioLowStart (Method) ExternaLogAllChannels (Method) LogBias (Property) DataLogManager (FunctionBlock) Bias (Property) CallPrioLowStart (Method) ExternaLogAllChannels (Method) LogBias (Property) IDataLogManager (Interface) ExternaLogAllChannels (Method) IDataLogManager2 (Interface) Bias (Property) LogBias (Property) DataLogStorage CSVStorage DataLogStorage_CSV (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) IReplaceDateInFilePath Replace (Method) DataLogStorage_CSV (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) IReplaceDateInFilePath Replace (Method) DataLogStorageBase (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage AddEntry (Method) OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule Init (Method) fb_exit (Method) private AddLoggerEntryWithInstanceName (Method) DeleteLogFile (Method) DequeueElement (Method) GetStorageFilePath (Method) RemoveElementFromQueue (Method) IDataLogStorage (Folder) AddEntry (Method) OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) SQLiteStorage DataLogStorage_SQLite (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) DataLogStorage_SQLite (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) ETableType (Enum) IDataLogStorage_SQLite (Interface) DataLogVarDesc (Struct) Functions BiasToString (Function) CreateString (Function) IP (ImagePool) Queue DataLogVarDescForQueue (Struct) DataLogVarDescForQueue_FB (FunctionBlock) IElement ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) NodeDispose (Method) TL (TextList)
IDataLogStorage (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataLogStorage EXTENDS AC.IModule Methods: AddEntry OnAppStop OnResetOrigin Structure: AddEntry (Method) OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method)
DeviceDiagnosisInfo ¶ Helper funtctions and text lists used by the code generated by the device diagnosis generator. BUS_STATE_TO_STRING (Function) BUS_TYPE_TO_STRING (Function) BYTE_TO_HEXSTRING (Function) DEVICE_STATE_TO_STRING (Function) DEVICE_TYPE_TO_STRING (Function) DeviceDiagnosisInfo (FunctionBlock) BusState (Property) BusType (Property) CheckForCommands (Method) DeviceState (Property) DeviceType (Property) Initialize (Method) OnAfterOnlineChange (Method) ResetDevice (Method) StartDevice (Method) StopDevice (Method) LOWBYTE_TO_HEXSTRING (Function) TL_BUSSTATE (TextList) TL_BUSTYPE (TextList) TL_DEVICESTATE (TextList) TL_DEVICETYPE (TextList)
BUS_TYPE_TO_STRING (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BUS_TYPE_TO_STRING : STRING Converts a DED.BUS_TYPE enumeration into a speaking string InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BUS_TYPE_TO_STRING STRING Input sState DED.BUS_TYPE The bus type to convert into a speaking string
BYTE_TO_HEXSTRING (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BYTE_TO_HEXSTRING : STRING Converts a byte into the corresponding hexadecimal string InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BYTE_TO_HEXSTRING STRING Input byInp BYTE The byte to convert into a hexadecimal string
DEVICE_STATE_TO_STRING (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DEVICE_STATE_TO_STRING : STRING Returns a DED.DEVICE_STATE enumeration as a speaking string InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return DEVICE_STATE_TO_STRING STRING Input sState DED.DEVICE_STATE The device state to return as a speaking string