with a user defined [...] coloured with a gradient
StateCallback (Method) GetUser [...] ServerCertificate (Method) IOPCUAClientDataAccess [...] OPCAClientCredentials_User
initialized with the [...] initialized with the [...] . dwCommentUser
combined with shifting [...] : protDoNotifyArrayAccess Structure: protDoNotifyArrayAccess
VariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess [...] BrowseCallback POINTER TO BYTE pUser
separated with a Slash (/) and not with a [...] separated with a Slash
with a user defined [...] with a gradient
client (with the [...] VisuName PreviousVisuName UserGroupId UserName Methods
. SerialComPortUser [...] with inconsistent settings. SerialComPortUser
with the user [...] with SysSockCreateUdp !