IDataLogChannel.GetAllDataLogVariables (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAllDataLogVariables Get all Variables logged by this Channel InOut: Scope Name Type Output pDataLogInstList POINTER TO DataLogInstanceList uiNumList UINT
IDataLogManager.ExternaLogAllChannels (METH) ¶ METHOD ExternaLogAllChannels : BOOL Log all variables of all channels InOut: Scope Name Type Return ExternaLogAllChannels BOOL
IDataLogManager2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataLogManager2 EXTENDS IDataLogManager Properties: Bias LogBias Methods: ExternaLogAllChannels , inherited from IDataLogManager Structure: Bias (Property) LogBias (Property)
IDataLogManager2.Bias (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Bias : INT
IDataLogManager2.LogBias (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY LogBias : BOOL
DataLogStorage ¶ CSVStorage DataLogStorage_CSV (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) IReplaceDateInFilePath Replace (Method) DataLogStorage_CSV (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) IReplaceDateInFilePath Replace (Method) DataLogStorageBase (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage AddEntry (Method) OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule Init (Method) fb_exit (Method) private AddLoggerEntryWithInstanceName (Method) DeleteLogFile (Method) DequeueElement (Method) GetStorageFilePath (Method) RemoveElementFromQueue (Method) IDataLogStorage (Folder) AddEntry (Method) OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) SQLiteStorage DataLogStorage_SQLite (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) DataLogStorage_SQLite (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) ETableType (Enum) IDataLogStorage_SQLite (Interface)
CSVStorage ¶ DataLogStorage_CSV (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) IReplaceDateInFilePath Replace (Method) DataLogStorage_CSV (FunctionBlock) IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) IReplaceDateInFilePath Replace (Method)
DataLogStorage_CSV (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataLogStorage_CSV EXTENDS DataLogStorageBase implements IReplaceDateInFilePath InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Inherited from Input sStorageName STRING(32) Constants.gc_ChannelNamePlaceholder DataLogStorageBase sSeperator STRING(5) ‘,’ Parameter pbyBuffer POINTER TO BYTE uiBufferSize UINT 2000 rBufferFillLevel REAL 75 xAddApostropheAroundStringEntries BOOL FALSE sSurroundingSign STRING(5) ‘$’’ sDateReplacementString STRING(50) ‘yyyyMMdd’ Methods: AddEntry , inherited from DataLogStorageBase AddLoggerEntryWithInstanceName , inherited from DataLogStorageBase CallPrioLowStart DeleteLogFile , inherited from DataLogStorageBase DequeueElement , inherited from DataLogStorageBase GetStorageFilePath , inherited from DataLogStorageBase Init OnAppStop OnResetOrigin RemoveElementFromQueue , inherited from DataLogStorageBase Replace fb_exit , inherited from DataLogStorageBase Structure: IDataLogStorage OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule CallPrioLowStart (Method) Init (Method) IReplaceDateInFilePath Replace (Method)
DataLogStorageBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DataLogStorageBase EXTENDS AC.Module IMPLEMENTS IDataLogStorage InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Input sStorageName STRING(32) Constants.gc_ChannelNamePlaceholder Methods: fb_exit AddEntry AddLoggerEntryWithInstanceName DeleteLogFile DequeueElement GetStorageFilePath Init OnAppStop OnResetOrigin RemoveElementFromQueue Structure: IDataLogStorage AddEntry (Method) OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method) IModule Init (Method) fb_exit (Method) private AddLoggerEntryWithInstanceName (Method) DeleteLogFile (Method) DequeueElement (Method) GetStorageFilePath (Method) RemoveElementFromQueue (Method)
IDataLogStorage ¶ AddEntry (Method) OnAppStop (Method) OnResetOrigin (Method)