IDataLogChannel ¶ Enable (Property) GetAllDataLogVariables (Method) GetIsActionOngoing (Method) LogAll (Method) SetIsActionOngoing (Method) UseHashValues (Property)
IModule ¶ CallPrioHighStart (Method) Init (Method)
DataLogChannel.fb_exit (METH) ¶ METHOD fb_exit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return fb_exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL
IDataLogChannel (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataLogChannel EXTENDS AC.IModule, CmpEventMgr.ICmpEventCallback Properties: Enable UseHashValues Methods: GetAllDataLogVariables GetIsActionOngoing LogAll SetIsActionOngoing Structure: Enable (Property) GetAllDataLogVariables (Method) GetIsActionOngoing (Method) LogAll (Method) SetIsActionOngoing (Method) UseHashValues (Property)
IDataLogChannel.Enable (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Enable : BOOL Whether this channel is enabled
IDataLogChannel.GetAllDataLogVariables (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAllDataLogVariables Get all Variables logged by this Channel InOut: Scope Name Type Output pDataLogInstList POINTER TO DataLogInstanceList uiNumList UINT
IDataLogManager.ExternaLogAllChannels (METH) ¶ METHOD ExternaLogAllChannels : BOOL Log all variables of all channels InOut: Scope Name Type Return ExternaLogAllChannels BOOL
IDataLogManager2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataLogManager2 EXTENDS IDataLogManager Properties: Bias LogBias Methods: ExternaLogAllChannels , inherited from IDataLogManager Structure: Bias (Property) LogBias (Property)
IDataLogManager2.Bias (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Bias : INT
IDataLogManager2.LogBias (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY LogBias : BOOL