ModuleId UDINT The module to [...] data to the SRTS. In [...] ProtocolTypeId UINT The id of the
BlockType UINT BlockType BlockLength UINT [...] Data Version UINT version
ModuleId UDINT The module to [...] ProtocolTypeId UINT The id of the [...] MemData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer
DataLength UINT length to write [...] command to the slave In [...] pointer to data udi
Create : UDINT In [...] UDINT Input target [...] ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
Create : UDINT In [...] UDINT Input target [...] ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
INDEX UINT Index of [...] MLEN UDINT Maximum length to be read
OnDownload : UDINT Method to [...] initialization callback to EVT [...] InitOnDownload UDINT
Create : UDINT In [...] UDINT Input target [...] ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
-service-data to the Io [...] ModuleId UDINT The id of the module to send io