_VALUE_LENGTH INT (ANY_TO_INT(60) * ANY_TO_INT(2)) The [...] of a WSTRING to
X INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT pszText POINTER TO BYTE udi
ClientSide.GetListOfClients (METH) ¶ METHOD GetListOfClients : INT It returns the
VisuRedundancy_Prg.GetListOfClients (METH) ¶ METHOD GetListOfClients : INT It returns the
Index INT The index of [...] Manager2.SwitchTo [...] SwitchTo
Rect POINTER TO VisuStructSimpleRectangle iX1 INT iY1 INT iX2 INT iY2 INT
SettgSetInt [...] SettgSetInt [...] value to settings In
Find INT Input cbsToSearchFor REFERENCE TO CharBufferString [...] : INT Searches for a
TO ARRAY [0..9] OF INT The position to [...] ClientData POINTER TO Visu
TO ARRAY [0..9] OF INT The position to [...] ClientData POINTER TO Visu