SupportedCommunicationState : BOOL The [...] driver to check if it [...] CurrentSupportedCommunicationState is used to check
Dlg_ProcessExp : BOOL This function [...] notation to the value [...] Dlg_ProcessExp BOOL Inout st
Request to work with. In [...] Connect BOOL FALSE Connect to server (slave
to TRUE . As long [...] Execute goes to FALSE [...] stopping to standstill
DataActive BOOL TRUE If set to [...] Data is set to [...] mapped to output
VariableInformation POINTER TO Variable [...] BrowseIntoComplexTypes BOOL pResult POINTER TO SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT
necessary to have the [...] used to control the [...] ActionProvider Output xComplete BOOL
TO BYTE xInSeparateTask BOOL
EntryPoint BOOL pEntryPoint POINTER TO CmpOPCUAStack_Interfaces.OpcUa_NodeId
POINTER TO Constraint [...] _SetHV_Pair BOOL