conversions, bit/byte [...] time and the [...] Block) BCD Conversions BCD
Ua_StatusCode SourceTimestamp OpcUa_DateTime ServerTimestamp OpcUa_DateTime
Constant gc_tzTimeZoneCET TimeZone STRUCT(i [...] ’, dtDate := STRUCT
RangeProperty GetBACnetDateTime [...] BACnetUnsignedProperty IsBACnetDateTime [...] RangeProperty SetBACnetDateTime
`` %s %s 24 `` date [...] :`` Letztes Lesen: date of [...] `` date of last writing
_Wstring Iec_Time Iec_Date Iec_DateAndTime Iec_Time [...] _AnyBit Iec_AnyDate Iec
Timestamp LINT Output timeDate [...] containing the date and time ui
Printf ¶ FormatDateTime (Function) Printf (Function) Printf
RangeProperty GetBACnetDateTime [...] RangeProperty SetBACnetDateTime [...] RangeProperty (Method) GetBACnetDateTime
date and time, by [...] Date and time [...] time since a given