IoServicesResult SISR_OK - if data [...] _PENDING - if no data has [...] ; SISR_FAILED - if an
Enable BOOL IN: If set to [...] OUT: If the [...] BYTE OUT: One entry
an OID. If the OID [...] Buffer POINTER TO RtsByteString
. Byte 0: Function_Num Byte 1: Error_Decode Byte 2: Error
ExtDiag POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] . If size is chosen
significand byte is the [...] byte the red value [...] MinWarningColor UDINT Color to use if
be written in byte [...] least of LEN byte [...] . If the data record
check if the guids [...] example if a known [...] Size64Bit 16#10 NoByte
check if the guids [...] example if a known [...] Size64Bit 16#10 NoByte
_IEC_RESULT Check if a pointer [...] BYTE Pointer to the [...] Write BOOL TRUE=Check, if