index of the latch [...] TypeColumn BOOL If TRUE : The column ID of the type
DataBits USINT 8 Number of [...] StopBits USINT 1 Number of [...] Polarization BOOL FALSE
ForPackets : BOOL Sets or gets a [...] beginning of the IEC [...] delay of one IEC
an error of the [...] instance of the active [...] of buffered or
Stream ) in the form of [...] Input xEnable BOOL [...] Output xDone BOOL
additional information of [...] index of the first [...] Execute BOOL Rising edge
information of what failed [...] Failed holds the index of [...] Input xExecute BOOL
_UPPER_BOUND INT 15 size of [...] of one entry in [...] length of comment in
DestroyOnly BOOL Output pdu [...] evaluated in case of x
DestroyOnly BOOL Output pdu [...] evaluated in case of x