represented as a structure [...] all the time. DeadTimeCompensation LREAL 0 Dead time
should be called as soon as the event [...] used as callback
aborted bAppend BOOL As long as this input [...] each reset. As long
“interpolation time [...] as the interpreter
the same task as [...] as M-functions [...] buffer as described by
time of a task. The [...] application’s response time [...] particular the Cycle time
time, but signals an [...] in time (udi [...] .ETrigTo.udiTimeout in µs as well
EtherCAT. As hardware [...] parameters can be set as [...] be set as number
may be used as well [...] outputs such as via the [...] point in time. Using
TRUE as soon as the [...] LastPort ConfigRead DCClockReferenceTime [...] Factor DCSyncToMaster DCSyncToMasterWithSysTime