ScriptRecipeDefinitionObject ¶ class ScriptRecipeDefinitionObject. ScriptRecipeDefinitionMarker ¶ Bases: object Marker object to check whether a ScriptObject is a recipe definition object. Version add
ScriptTraceEditorObject ¶ class ScriptTraceEditorObject. ScriptTraceEditorObject ¶ Bases: object Represents a open trace editor, used to perform online actions on a trace. property is_online : bool ¶
ScriptFontDesc ¶ class ScriptFontDesc. ScriptFontDesc ¶ Bases: object Bundles the modifyable settings for a font. property name : str ¶ Gets or sets the name of the font. property size : float ¶ Gets
ScriptTraceDiagramVariable ¶ class ScriptTraceDiagramVariable. ScriptTraceDiagramVariable ¶ Bases: object Represents the connection between one ScriptTraceVariable and one ScriptTraceDiagram. One Scri
ScriptTraceDiagram ¶ class ScriptTraceDiagram. ScriptTraceDiagram ¶ Bases: object Contains the settings for a diagram of the trace. property background_color : int ¶ Gets or sets the 32bit-ARGB repres
IScriptTraceObjectMarker ¶ class IScriptTraceObjectMarker. IScriptTraceObjectMarker ¶ Bases: object This is added to every IScriptObject, so the check wether it is a valid trace object can be executed
ScriptTraceVariableList ¶ class ScriptTraceVariableList. ScriptTraceVariableList ( iterable = () , / ) ¶ Bases: list Provides functionality for the modification of the list of variables, traced by the
PacketState ¶ class PacketState. PacketState ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum NoConfig = 0 ¶ The configuration of a trace packet is incomplete Disabled = 1 ¶ The trace packet is currently disabled Enabled = 2
ScriptTraceDiagramCollection ¶ class ScriptTraceDiagramCollection. ScriptTraceDiagramCollection ( iterable = () , / ) ¶ Bases: list Represents the collection of Diagrams in one TraceObject. __iter__ (
ScriptTraceDiagramVariableCollection ¶ class ScriptTraceDiagramVariableCollection. ScriptTraceDiagramVariableCollection ( iterable = () , / ) ¶ Bases: list Represents a collection of ScriptTraceDiagra