SMC_XInterpolator.DoBeforeLeave (ACT) ¶
SM3_Math Library Documentation ¶ Company : CODESYS Title : SM3_Math Version : Categories : Intern|SoftMotion Namespace : SM3M Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : SM3_Math Description [ 1 ] ¶ Library containing basic math functions: atan2, 3D vectors and 3D matrix functions, frame functions, polynomial functions, quaternion functions. Contents: ¶ AxisAngle SMC_AxisAngle (Struct) SMC_AxisAngleApplyPeriod (Function) Frame SMC_Frame (Struct) SMC_Frame_ApplyDir (Function) SMC_Frame_ApplyDynV3State (Function) SMC_Frame_ApplyPos (Function) SMC_Frame_Delta (Function) SMC_Frame_DenavitHartenberg (Function) SMC_Frame_DenavitHartenbergI (Function) SMC_Frame_Derive (Function) SMC_Frame_Dist (Function) SMC_Frame_Equals (Function) SMC_Frame_Inverse (Function) SMC_Frame_Invert (Function) SMC_Frame_IsIdentity (Function) SMC_Frame_Mult (Function) SMC_Frame_Serialize (Function) FrameQ SMC_FrameQ (Struct) SMC_FrameQ_FromFrame (Function) SMC_FrameQ_LInt (Function) SMC_FrameQ_ToFrame (Function) Matrix3 SMC_Matrix3 (Struct) SMC_Matrix3_Apply (Function) SMC_Matrix3_ApplyL (Function) SMC_Matrix3_ApplyQuat (Function) SMC_Matrix3_Equals (Function) SMC_Matrix3_FromAxisAngle (Function) SMC_Matrix3_FromCols (Function) SMC_Matrix3_FromRollPitchYaw_deg (Function) SMC_Matrix3_FromYawPitchRoll (Function) SMC_Matrix3_FromZYZ_deg (Function) SMC_Matrix3_GetCol (Function) SMC_Matrix3_GetRow (Function) SMC_Matrix3_IsRotation (Function) SMC_Matrix3_Mult (Function) SMC_Matrix3_MultS (Function) SMC_Matrix3_NormalizeRotation (Function) SMC_Matrix3_RotDist (Function) SMC_Matrix3_RotateX (Function) SMC_Matrix3_RotateY (Function) SMC_Matrix3_RotateZ (Function) SMC_Matrix3_Serialize (Function) SMC_Matrix3_Set (Function) SMC_Matrix3_SetDiag (Function) SMC_Matrix3_SetRow (Function) SMC_Matrix3_ToRollPitchYaw_deg (Function) SMC_Matrix3_ToYawPitchRoll (Function) SMC_Matrix3_ToZYZ_deg (Function) SMC_Matrix3_Translate (Function) SMC_Matrix3_Transpose (Function) SMC_Matrix3_TransposeI (Function) Misc SMC_CloseRel (Function) SMC_ClothoidEval (Function) SMC_ComputePlaneNormal3Points (Function) SMC_CretaeRCSFromZAxis (Function) SMC_DistAngle (Function) SMC_DynV3State (Struct) SMC_Implies (Function) SMC_Interpolate (Function) SMC_IsPowerOf2 (Function) SMC_NthRoot (Function) SMC_Seq_InitEmpty (Function) SMC_Seq_Order (Enum) SMC_ceil (Function) SMC_floor (Function) SMC_truncate (Function) Polynomial Functions SMC_Polynomial_Serialize (Function) Quaternion SMC_Quat (Struct) SMC_Quat1_AxisAngle (Function) SMC_Quat1_Delta (Function) SMC_Quat1_Derive (Function) SMC_Quat1_Exp (Function) SMC_Quat1_From_RotMatrix (Function) SMC_Quat1_Ln (Function) SMC_Quat1_RotDist (Function) SMC_Quat1_Slerp (Function) SMC_Quat1_To_RotMatrix (Function) SMC_Quat_Add (Function) SMC_Quat_ApplyRotation (Function) SMC_Quat_Compose (Function) SMC_Quat_Conj (Function) SMC_Quat_Decompose (Function) SMC_Quat_DistE (Function) SMC_Quat_Dot (Function) SMC_Quat_Equals (Function) SMC_Quat_Init (Function) SMC_Quat_InitV (Function) SMC_Quat_Inv (Function) SMC_Quat_IsRotation (Function) SMC_Quat_Mult (Function) SMC_Quat_MultS (Function) SMC_Quat_NormE (Function) SMC_Quat_Prod (Function) SMC_Quat_Serialize (Function) SMC_Quat_Sub (Function) RNG SMC_RNG_Normal (FunctionBlock) SMC_RNG_U (FunctionBlock) SMC_Math_Constants (GVL) SMC_Math_Global (GVL) SMC_Math_Global_Constants (GVL) SMC_Math_Global_NoNamespace (GVL) SMC_Vec SMC_DynVecState (Struct) SMC_DynVecState_Assign (Function) SMC_DynVecState_Eq (Function) SMC_DynVecState_Mult (Function) SMC_Vec (Struct) SMC_Vec_Add (Function) SMC_Vec_Angle (Function) SMC_Vec_Assign (Function) SMC_Vec_Cross (Function) SMC_Vec_DistE (Function) SMC_Vec_DistMax (Function) SMC_Vec_Dot (Function) SMC_Vec_DotSq (Function) SMC_Vec_Ei (Function) SMC_Vec_Eq (Function) SMC_Vec_Lint (Function) SMC_Vec_MAdd (Function) SMC_Vec_Max_Cmp (Function) SMC_Vec_Min_Cmp (Function) SMC_Vec_Mult (Function) SMC_Vec_NormE (Function) SMC_Vec_NormMax (Function) SMC_Vec_SMAdd (Function) SMC_Vec_Serialize (Function) SMC_Vec_Set1 (Function) SMC_Vec_Set2 (Function) SMC_Vec_Set3 (Function) SMC_Vec_SetN (Function) SMC_Vec_SetP (Function) SMC_Vec_Sub (Function) SMC_Vec_Sum_Kahan (FunctionBlock) SMC_Vec_Zero (Function) SinCosEquations SMC_SolveCosLin (Function) SMC_SolveSinCos (Function) SMC_SolveSinCos2 (Function) SMC_SolveSinCosLin (Function) Statistics SMC_Statistics (FunctionBlock) Transformation SMC_CalcBisectingPlane (Function) SMC_IntersectLineWithSphere (Function) SMC_IntersectPlanes (Function) SMC_Line3D (Struct) SMC_Plane (Struct) SMC_SetVec (Function) SMC_SolveEulerWrist (Function) SMC_SolveTripodRodsForward (Function) SMC_SolveTwoRotJoints (Function) SMC_Trafo_HandleWristSingularity (Function) SMC_TripodLinearSolver (FunctionBlock) SMC_TripodRotarySolver (FunctionBlock) V3Poly SMC_V3Poly (Struct) SMC_V3Poly5_Create (Function) SMC_V3Poly_Add (Function) SMC_V3Poly_Derive (Function) SMC_V3Poly_Dot (Function) SMC_V3Poly_DotSq (Function) SMC_V3Poly_Eval (Function) SMC_V3Poly_EvalDerivs (Function) SMC_V3Poly_Init (Function) SMC_V3Poly_MultScalarPoly (Function) SMC_V3Poly_Sub (Function) Vector Legacy SMC_V3_Add (Function) SMC_V3_Angle (Function) SMC_V3_Angle2D (Function) SMC_V3_CloseRel (Function) SMC_V3_Cross (Function) SMC_V3_Derive (Function) SMC_V3_DistE (Function) SMC_V3_Dot (Function) SMC_V3_DotSq (Function) SMC_V3_Equals (Function) SMC_V3_IsScalarMultiple (Function) SMC_V3_Lint (Function) SMC_V3_MAdd (Function) SMC_V3_Max_Cmp (Function) SMC_V3_Min_Cmp (Function) SMC_V3_Mult (Function) SMC_V3_NormE (Function) SMC_V3_NormMax (Function) SMC_V3_SMAdd (Function) SMC_V3_Serialize (Function) SMC_V3_Set (Function) SMC_V3_Sub (Function) SMC_V3_Zero (Function) SMC_VECTOR3D (Struct) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on SM3_Math.library, last modified 26.07.2024, 11:49:07. LibDoc The content file SM3_Math.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 26.07.2024, 11:49:09.
AxisAngle ¶ SMC_AxisAngle (Struct) SMC_AxisAngleApplyPeriod (Function)
SMC_AxisAngle (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_AxisAngle : STRUCT A rotation by an angle a around an axis v . InOut: Name Type Comment v SMC_VECTOR3D The unit vector that determines the axis and direction of rotation. a LREAL The angle in rad.
SMC_AxisAngleApplyPeriod (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_AxisAngleApplyPeriod Moves the axisAngle into the same period as axisAngleRef by adding k*2*PI to the angle, where k is the integer that minimizes the dot product between the modified axisAngle and axisAngleRef . InOut: Scope Name Type Inout axisAngle SMC_AxisAngle Inout Const axisAngleRef SMC_AxisAngle
Frame ¶ SMC_Frame (Struct) SMC_Frame_ApplyDir (Function) SMC_Frame_ApplyDynV3State (Function) SMC_Frame_ApplyPos (Function) SMC_Frame_Delta (Function) SMC_Frame_DenavitHartenberg (Function) SMC_Frame_DenavitHartenbergI (Function) SMC_Frame_Derive (Function) SMC_Frame_Dist (Function) SMC_Frame_Equals (Function) SMC_Frame_Inverse (Function) SMC_Frame_Invert (Function) SMC_Frame_IsIdentity (Function) SMC_Frame_Mult (Function) SMC_Frame_Serialize (Function)
SMC_Frame (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_Frame : STRUCT A frame represents a coordinate system given by the orientation of the axes and origin vector. The representation of the coordinate system is always expressed relative to a base coordinate system. Another interpretation of a frame is the unique transformation between the represented coordinate system C and the base coordinate system B, a map F from C to B given by F(v) = mR * v + vT, where v is a vector expressed in C and F(v) is its representation in B. InOut: Name Type Comment mR SMC_Matrix3 The orientation of the axes. Each column is a unit vector describing the direction of a coordinate axis of F, expressed in base coordinates. vT SMC_Vector3D The offset of the origin in base coordinates.
SMC_Frame_ApplyDir (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_Frame_ApplyDir Applies a coordinate transformation F to a direction vector: vDst = F.mR * vDir. Thus, the direction vDir is transformed from coordinate system F to the base coordinate system of F. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout vDst SMC_Vector3D The tranformed direction vector Inout Const F SMC_Frame The transformation to apply vDir SMC_Vector3D The source direction vector
SMC_Frame_ApplyDynV3State (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_Frame_ApplyDynV3State Applies a coordinate transformation F to a DynV3State. Thus, the position and derivateives are transformed from coordinate system F to the base coordinate system of F. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout urDst SMC_DynV3State The tranformed output Inout Const F SMC_Frame The transformation to apply urSrc SMC_DynV3State The source position vector
SMC_Frame_ApplyPos (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_Frame_ApplyPos Applies a coordinate transformation F to a position vector: vDst = F.mR * vPos + F.vT. Thus, the position vPos is transformed from coordinate system F to the base coordinate system of F. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout vDst SMC_Vector3D The tranformed position vector Inout Const F SMC_Frame The transformation to apply vPos SMC_Vector3D The source position vector