SMC_NC_SubSignature (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_NC_SubSignature : STRUCT Represents the declaration of a CNC subprogram InOut: Name Type nDecls UDINT aDecls ARRAY [0..(SoftMotion_NC2_Constants.MAX_SUBPROGRAM_PARAMS - 1)] OF SMC_GVarDecl stName STRING bRestoreModes BOOL
SMC_IGSentenceModifier.Call (METH) ¶ METHOD Call Called cyclically to process sentences from sentencesIn to sentencesOut. The implementation should read the sentences in sentencesIn, and append (possibly modified) sentences to sentencesOut. The processed sentences need to be removed from sentencesIn. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout sentencesIn SMC_GSentenceQueue Input sentence queue sentencesOut SMC_GSentenceQueue Output sentence queue errorPos SMC_NC_SourcePosition Out: error position in case of error Output Done BOOL All sentences have been processed and no new sentences will be appended. Should be set if sentencesIn is empty and has EndOfData set, and there are no pending sentences due to the state of the modifier function block. Error BOOL An error has occurred ErrorID SMC_ERROR Error-ID
SMC_IGSentenceModifier.Start (METH) ¶ METHOD Start Called when sentence processing is started or restarted. Any internal state should be reset.
SMC_DisplayNCCallstack (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_DisplayNCCallstack This function block displays the names of the NC-programs which the currently interpolated movement comes from (at “interpolation time”). Attention: This function block must be called in the same task as the interpreter. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout Const csi SMC_NCCallstackInfo Output of the instance of SMC_NCInterpreter that has emitted the ongoing movement. ipo SMC_Interpolator The interpolator in use. Input Enable BOOL Output Valid BOOL Error BOOL ErrorID SMC_Error Callstack ARRAY [0..(SoftMotion_NC2_Constants.IPR_CALLSTACK_SIZE - 1)] OF STRING The callstack that corresponds to the movement that is currently being interpolated. Callstack[0] holds the name of the (sub)program that the current movement originates from. If it is a sub-program, then Callstack[1] holds the name of the calling (sub)program and so on. The list of active programs is terminated by an empty string.
SMC_NCCallstackInfo (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_NCCallstackInfo Data structure that contains information about the current callstack of SMC_NCInterpreter . InOut: Scope Name Type Output bLocked BOOL
SMC_NCInterpreter.GetDCS (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDCS : SMC_PosInfo Describes the transformation from DCS to MCS. Since the transformation can change with every call of the decoder, this method returns the transformation which is valid at the current leading pointer (iLineNumberDecoded). dX, dY, dZ describe the offset of the DCS relative to the MCS. (The vector from the origin of the MCS to the origin of the DCS, expressed in MCS coordinates) dA1, …, dA5 describe the offset of the additional axes P, Q, U, V, W. If eOriConv = SMC_ORI_CONVENTION.ADDAXES, dA, dB, and dC describe an offset for each coordinate. If eOriConv <> SMC_ORI_CONVENTION.ADDAXES, then the members dA, dB, dC describe the rotation from DCS to MCS. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetDCS SMC_PosInfo
SMC_NC_IStackAddressResolver.GetAddress (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAddress : POINTER TO BYTE InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetAddress POINTER TO BYTE Input offset DINT nSize UDINT
Functions ¶ SMC_NC_GArgument (Struct) SMC_NC_GArgumentValue (Union) SMC_NC_GFunction (Struct) SMC_NC_GFunctionTable (Struct) SMC_NC_IFunction (Interface) Call (Method) GetSignature (Method)
SMC_NC_GArgument (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_NC_GArgument : STRUCT common type for inputs and outputs of functions inside G-Code expressions InOut: Name Type argType SMC_GVar_Type argValue SMC_NC_GArgumentValue argPos SMC_NC_SourcePosition
SMC_NC_GArgumentValue (UNION) ¶ TYPE SMC_NC_GArgumentValue : UNION InOut: Name Type Comment bValue BOOL value for arguments of type T_BOOL fValue LREAL value for arguments of type T_LREAL sValue STRING(255) value for arguments of type T_STRING