FctIsRectRotatedBy180To270Degree : BOOL Checks if a [...] degree in the range of [...] FctIsRectRotatedBy180To270Degree BOOL Input rect VisuStructPaintRectangle
Rectangles : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Rectangles BOOL Input p [...] list of rectangles
CopyRange : BOOL [...] elements of the same [...] Range BOOL
Prim_EvalDerivs : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] coordinate system of the [...] Prim_EvalDerivs BOOL
Elem_SanityCheck : BOOL Checks whether [...] evaluation of the element [...] Elem_SanityCheck BOOL Inout Const pr
_AssignOffT : BOOL Assigns a [...] a prefix of the [...] _AssignOffT BOOL
Prim_EvalDerivs : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] coordinate system of the [...] Prim_EvalDerivs BOOL
EvalDerivs : BOOL In [...] coordinate system of the [...] Return EvalDerivs BOOL
Fun_IsInStaticCS : BOOL Returns whether [...] coordinate system of this [...] Fun_IsInStaticCS BOOL
operation on a list of [...] Writing BOOL This value [...] Name ItemName The name of