Name STRING The name of the [...] the description of [...] of the alarmgroup
STRING of the [...] represents the type of the name of an item
of string in [...] Component REFERENCE TO STRING Name of component psz
thumbprint from string to an arry of byte In [...] Thumb POINTER TO STRING
“formatted printing” of [...] Result REFERENCE TO CharBufferString [...] Format REFERENCE TO CharBufferString
enhancement of function [...] OutputValue STRING stVariableValue STRING stMin STRING st
Name STRING(256) Name of [...] ] OF STRING Name of [...] FrameDwnSL : STRUCT Structure of
DefinitionName STRING Name of the [...] RecipeName STRING Name of the recipe
_TO_HEXSTRING : STRING Return the lower part of a byte [...] string InOut: Scope
Ticket POINTER TO STRING [...] AppNameOld POINTER TO STRING Name of the old