BACnetDateRangeProperty (Method) SetBACnetDateTimeProperty (Method) SetBACnetDateTime [...] BACnetStringProperty (Method) SetBACnetTime
RtcHighResGet (Function) SysTimeRtcHighResSet [...] ¶ SysTimeRtcConvertDateToHighRes (Function) SysTime
timestamp to set liAbsPacketStartTime [...] absolute start time of
DTU_gc_tziTimeZoneCET defines the time zone [...] and standard time
.e. time delayed opening [...] inactive. eSetBrake SMC3_BrakeSet [...] the brake state. fTime
cycle time can be set [...] desired set point and a [...] the cycle time is
Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] infinite time out. Inout
Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] infinite time out. Inout
Input iTimeOut INT Time out in micro [...] infinite time out. Inout
_TO_RTS_SYSTIMEDATE (Function) DateTimeToString (Function) DateTime [...] ) Read (Method) Set