ProfinetDeviceInstance.Reset (METH) ¶ METHOD Reset : ErrorCode Stop Profinet protocol stack and clear configuration. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Reset ErrorCode
ProfinetDeviceInstance.SendData (METH) ¶ METHOD SendData : ErrorCode Send data to the network. This method has to be called by the device application continiously (real time context!). InOut: Scope Name Type Return SendData ErrorCode
ProfinetDeviceInstance.Start (METH) ¶ METHOD Start : ErrorCode Start Profinet protocol stack. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Start ErrorCode
DataTypes ¶ IOL_AdSS_Function (Enum) IOL_AdSS_Status (Enum) IOL_AdSS_TeachFunction (Enum) IOL_AdSS_TeachMode (Enum)
IOL_AdjustableSwitchingSensor (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK IOL_AdjustableSwitchingSensor Function Block for Adjustable Switching Sensors The function block provides access to the profile specific parameters and the procedures for the three teach-in modes. • Read switching signal channel parameter • Write switching signal channel parameter • Single value teach-in • Two value teach-in • Dynamic teach-in InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input xExecute BOOL A trigger causes the function selected with variable Function to be executed ID DWORD Addresses the IO-Link proxy Submodule i.e. IO-Link Master or IO-Link Device Port BYTE Port number BackupEnable BOOL “true” = Data Storage enabled; “false” = disabled Func IOL_AdSS_Function This variable selects the functionality to be triggered by a Request (INT) 0 = no_func; 1 = rd_all; 2 = wr_conf; 3= wr_param; 4 = teach LogicIn BOOL This variable defines the value for a new Switchpoint to be written to the sensor on a Request with Function ‘wr_conf’ SetpointIn INT This variable defines the value for a new Setpoint to be written to the sensor on a Request with Function ‘wr_param’ TeachMode IOL_AdSS_TeachMode This variable defines one of the possible teach procedures: (INT) 0 = no_teach; 1 = single_value; 2 = two_value; 3 = dynamic TeachTimer TIME Defines the duration of the dynamic teach time ApplyAuto BOOL ‘true’ = autoapply_enabled; ‘false’ = autoapply_disabled TeachRequest BOOL A rising edge triggers one step of teach process to be executed according to the selected function at variable TeachFunction. TeachFunction IOL_AdSS_TeachFunction The value applied to this variable defines the teach functionality to be executed on TeachRequest. (INT) 0 = no teach; 1 = teach 1; 2 = teach 2; 3 = appply; 4 = abort Output xDone BOOL The signal is set, if the FB has completed a requested operation. xBusy BOOL The signal is set, if the FB is executing a requested operation. xError BOOL The signal is set, if an error occurred during execution of a requested operation. PNIOStatus DWORD PNIOStatus Information of RDREC and WRREC IOL_Status DWORD Status Information of IOL_Device Status IOL_AdSS_Status (WORD) Current status of the FB operation and executed functions. LogicOut BOOL Represents the current value of the parameter Logic from the sensor. SetpointOut INT represents the current value of the parameter Setpoint from the sensor. PermitTeach1 BOOL The signal is set, if a teach request for teach function ‘teach_1’ is allowed PermitTeach2 BOOL The signal is set, if a teach request for teach function ‘teach_2’ is allowed PermitApply BOOL The signal is set, if a teach request for teach function ‘apply’ is allowed PermitAbort BOOL The signal is set, if a teach request for teach function ‘abort’ is allowed
IOL_MeasurementDataChannel (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK IOL_MeasurementDataChannel Function Block for Measurement Data Channel (MDC). InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input xEnable BOOL TRUE Enables the function of the FB ProfileID WORD Selected ProfileID, respectively process datalayout 1 = SSP 3.1 2 = SSP 3.2 3 = SSP 3.3 4 = SSP 3.4 SubstituteValue DINT This value is applied at the outputs ValueReal and ValueDINT if ValueStatus is not equal 0 Qualifier BOOL This signal corresponds to the ProcessDataInvalid information from the sensor. FALSE = ProcessData are invalid TRUE = ProcessData are valid ProcessData POINTER TO BYTE The Process Data Input from the sensor is applied to this input (ARRAY[0..n] OF BYTE). The Process Data Input length depends on the profile for the DMS (either INT16 or INT32) Output xValid BOOL If TRUE the provided values are valid and may be used for further calculations xError BOOL If TRUE an internal error is occurred and futher information is provided provided by the Function Block via the Status variable STATUS DWORD Provides internal error codes ValueStatus INT Status of process data input: 0 = OK; 1 = PC invalid; 2 = No Data; 3 = Out of range (+); 4 = Out of range (-); 5 = Not defined ValueReal REAL Process data in real format for evaluation within the PLC ValueDINT DINT Process data in double integer format Scale INT Process data scale factor
IOxStatus (ENUM) ¶ TYPE IOxStatus : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment BAD 0 Detected by Subslot BAD_BY_SLOT 16#20 Detected by Slot BAD_BY_DEVICE 16#40 Detected by Device BAD_BY_CONTROLLER 16#60 Detected by Controller GOOD 16#80
Status ¶ ModuleState (Enum) SubmoduleState_ARInfo (Enum) SubmoduleState_AddInfo (Enum) SubmoduleState_Detail (Enum) SubmoduleState_IdentInfo (Enum)
ModuleState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ModuleState : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment Undefined 16#FFFF NoModule 0 E.g. module not plugged WrongModule 1 a E.g. ModuleIdentNumber wrong ProperModule 2 Module is okay but at least one submodule is locked, wrong or missing Substitute 3 Module is not the same as requested – but the IO device was able to adapt by its own knowledge . This coding may be used in combination with “SubmoduleState.IdentInfo := Wrong (WR) ”.
SubmoduleState_ARInfo (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SubmoduleState_ARInfo : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Own 0 ApplicationReadyPending 1 SuperordinatedLocked 2 LockedByIOController 3 LockedByIOSupervisor 4