VisuUserMgmt Library Documentation ¶ Company : System Title : VisuUserMgmt Version : Categories : Intern|Visu Namespace : VisuUserManagement Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : VisuUserManagement Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library contains the user management functionality for the visualization. Contents: ¶ GlobalTextList (GlobalTextList) ImagePool (ImagePool) UserManagement Dialogs and provider IP_VUM (ImagePool) Interfaces TL_VUM_Errors (TextList) Utilities VUM_ErrorCodes (GVL) VUM_Events (GVL) VUM_UserAdminAccess (Enum) VUM_UserGroup (Struct) VUM_UserInternal (Struct) VisuFbClientManagerListener (FunctionBlock) VisuUserMgmt (FunctionBlock) VisuUserMgmtCyclicCall (FunctionBlock) VisuUserMgmtDialogManagerListener (FunctionBlock) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on VisuUserMgmt.library, last modified 23.05.2024, 09:58:23. LibDoc The content file VisuUserMgmt.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 23.05.2024, 09:58:32.
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator.MinWarningThresholdRead (METH) ¶ METHOD MinWarningThresholdRead Notification, that the minimum warning threshold of a variable was read from table TblTrendConfiguration. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables rMinWarningThreshold REAL The minimum warning threshold
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator.VariableNameRead (METH) ¶ METHOD VariableNameRead Notification, that the variable name was read from table TblTrendConfiguration. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables sVariableName STRING(255) The variable name
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator.VariableTypeRead (METH) ¶ METHOD VariableTypeRead Notification, that the variable type was read from table TblTrendConfiguration. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables iVariableType INT The type of the variable
VisuChangePasswordProvider.SetUserCount (METH) ¶ METHOD SetUserCount : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetUserCount BOOL Input udiUserCount UDINT
VisuChangePasswordProvider.SetUserDB (METH) ¶ METHOD SetUserDB : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetUserDB BOOL Input udiUserDB UDINT
VisuChangePasswordProvider.SetUsers (METH) ¶ METHOD SetUsers : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetUsers BOOL Input udiUserCount UDINT pArrUsers POINTER TO ARRAY [0..(MAX_VISIBLE_USERS - 1)] OF VUM_User
VisuLoginProvider.SetLastResult (METH) ¶ METHOD SetLastResult : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetLastResult BOOL Input udiLastResult UDINT
VisuLoginProvider.SetUserCount (METH) ¶ METHOD SetUserCount : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetUserCount BOOL Input udiUserCount UDINT
VisuLoginProvider.SetUserDB (METH) ¶ METHOD SetUserDB : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetUserDB BOOL Input udiUserDB UDINT