IXYChartGenericVariable2.GetValueDINT (METH) ¶ METHOD GetValueDINT : DINT Get value as DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetValueDINT DINT
IXYChartGenericVariable2.SetValueDINT (METH) ¶ METHOD SetValueDINT Write DINT value InOut: Scope Name Type Input diValue DINT
VisuEnumXYChartPointStyle (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumXYChartPointStyle : How to display the points Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment NONE 0 no points DOT Points with the shape of dot will be used CROSS Points with the shape of cross will be used SMALL_CIRCLE Points with the shape of circle will be used BIG_CIRCLE Points with the shape of circle will be used
VisuEnumXYChartProgType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumXYChartProgType : Pragramming type Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment NO 0 No programming MODIFY Programming existing curve NEW_CURVE Programming new curve
VisuEnumXYChartShadowStyle (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumXYChartShadowStyle : Shadow style Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial NONE 0 DEEPENED RAISED DEEPENED_INNER RAISED_INNER
VisuEnumXYChartZeroLineType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumXYChartZeroLineType : How to disply zero line Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment NO 0 Not used YAXIS Display the line relatetd to Y axis XAXIS Display the line relatetd to X axis BOTH Both axis
Functions ¶ VisuFctGetClientName (Function) VisuFctTestLReal (Function) VisuFctTestReal (Function)
VisuFctGetClientName (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctGetClientName : STRING get the name of the client InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctGetClientName STRING Input pClientType Visu_ClientType
VisuFctTestLReal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctTestLReal : BOOL Test if a long real is a valid number InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctTestLReal BOOL Input lrValue LREAL
TL_ElementProperties (Text List) ¶