Live BOOL TimeAllowedTo [...] TO ARRAY [0..16 [...] received xNewMsg BOOL
the given torque to [...] servo drive to [...] expected to be provided
is used to convert [...] -program (e.g. to drive [...] sent to the drives
); readDiag.MLEN := TO [...] REQ BOOL Request ID [...] to be read Output
is used to store [...] Input bExecute BOOL [...] ResetInternalVariables BOOL potentially
Disabled to Group [...] _GROUP_REF_SM3 Reference to a group of [...] BOOL Start the
_GROUP_REF_SM3 Reference to a group of [...] BOOL Gets the [...] transformation is to be read
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_ST BOOL [...] _stTm BOOL x_stCt BOOL st [...] 61850_CDC_CTE Number of changes to
P : BOOL Initializes the [...] BufSentences POINTER TO SMC_GSentence Pointer to the sentence
Info REFERENCE TO Variable [...] DirectChildFound BOOL