IPv4Address.CompressedIP (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL CompressedIP : REFERENCE TO IPADDRESS The short form of the address representation, with leading zeroes in groups omitted and the longest sequence of groups consisting entirely of zeroes collapsed to a single empty group.
IPv4Address.ExplodedIP (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL ExplodedIP : REFERENCE TO IPADDRESS The long form of the address representation, with all leading zeroes and groups consisting entirely of zeroes included.
IPv4Address.IPIsGlobal (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL IPIsGlobal : BOOL TRUE if the address is allocated for public networks. See iana-ipv4-special-registry (for IPv4).
UDP_Receive (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL UDP_Receive EXTENDS LConC This function block serves to receive data. The pointer pData specifies the memory area to write the read data to. udiSize defines the max number of bytes to read. When data was read successfully, xReady is set to TRUE and udiCount indicates the actually read number of bytes. itfIPAddressFrom and uiPortFrom indicate the ip and port the data was received from. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input xEnable BOOL TRUE : Activates the defined operation FALSE : Aborts/resets the defined operation LConC Output xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running LConC xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached LConC eErrorID ERROR LConC Input itfPeer IPeer pData __XWORD udiSize UDINT Output xReady BOOL itfIPAddressFrom IIPAddress uiPortFrom UINT udiCount UDINT
UDP_Receiver (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL UDP_Receiver EXTENDS LConC Reads the data from the IPeer instance and passes it on via the IPacketQueue instance ( itfPackets ) in the form of IPacket instances InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input xEnable BOOL TRUE : Activates the defined operation FALSE : Aborts/resets the defined operation LConC Output xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running LConC xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached LConC eErrorID ERROR LConC Input Const itfAsyncProperty IAsyncProperty itfPacketPool IPacketPool Input itfPeer IPeer Output itfPackets IPacketQueue udiCount UDINT Methods: SetInitialValue Structure: SetInitialValue (Method)
UDP_Send (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL UDP_Send EXTENDS ETrigTo This function block serves to sent data from the local itfPeer to the other side, specified by itfIPAddress and uiPort . The content of the memory area indicated by the pointer pData contains the data to be written. udiSize defines the number of bytes to be written. When xDone is set to TRUE , udiCount bytes of the data was written successfully. The time out value has no effect at this function block. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Starts defined operation FALSE : Resets the defined operation after ready condition was reached ETrigTo udiTimeOut UDINT Max. operating time for executing [µs], 0: No operating time limit ETrigTo Output xDone BOOL Ready condition reached ETrigTo xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running ETrigTo xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached ETrigTo eErrorID ERROR ETrigTo Input Const itfTSNContext ITSNContext Input itfPeer IPeer itfIPAddress IIPAddress uiPort UINT pData __XWORD udiSize UDINT Output udiCount UDINT
UDP_Sender (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL UDP_Sender EXTENDS LConC Reads the data ( IPacket instances) from the IPacketQueue ( itfPackets ) instance and writes it to the IPeer instance InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input xEnable BOOL TRUE : Activates the defined operation FALSE : Aborts/resets the defined operation LConC Output xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running LConC xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached LConC eErrorID ERROR LConC Input Const itfAsyncProperty IAsyncProperty itfTSNContext ITSNContext Input itfPeer IPeer itfPackets IPacketQueue Output udiCount UDINT Methods: SetInitialValue Structure: SetInitialValue (Method)
Interfaces ¶ AsyncProperty IAsyncProperty (Interface) GetInstancePointer (Method) IDisposable (Interface) ObjectDispose (Method) ObjectRelease (Method) ObjectRetain (Method) IOptionProvider (Interface) GetOptionCount (Method) GetParams (Method) SetResult (Method) IP IIPAddress (Interface) CompressedIP (Property) ExplodedIP (Property) IPIsGlobal (Property) IPIsLinkLocal (Property) IPIsLoopback (Property) IPIsMultiCast (Property) IPIsPrivate (Property) IPIsReserved (Property) IPIsUnspecified (Property) IPLength (Property) IPVersion (Property) IIPAddressSet (Interface) IIPv4Address (Interface) TCP IClient (Interface) Read (Method) SetAdapter (Method) Upgrade (Method) Write (Method) IConnection (Interface) GetClientAddress (Method) Read (Method) Write (Method) ISegment (Interface) CopyData (Method) GetDataPointer (Method) SetOffset (Method) ISegmentPool (Interface) GetSegment (Method) IServer (Interface) IStream (Interface) Read (Method) Write (Method) TLS ICertificateVerifier (Interface) VerifyCertificate (Method) ITLSContext (Interface) TSN ITSNContext (Interface) UDP IPacket (Interface) CopyData (Method) GetDataPointer (Method) IP_Address (Property) Port (Property) SetOffset (Method) IPacketPool (Interface) GetPacket (Method) IPacketQueue (Interface) GetPacket (Method) PutPacket (Method) IPeer (Interface) Receive (Method) Receive2 (Method) Send (Method)
AsyncProperty ¶ IAsyncProperty (Interface) GetInstancePointer (Method)
IAsyncProperty (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IAsyncProperty EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface A generic parameter for transferring the properties of a background task. See the properties in detail as part of AsyncProperty . Methods: GetInstancePointer Structure: GetInstancePointer (Method)