StrCpyWtoA (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION StrCpyWtoA : INT It does a copy from a wstring to string testing if there are pure UNICODE characters Return values: >=0 -> Ok, characters copyed -1 -> there are UNICODE chars, sobstitute with ‘?’ -2 -> invalid input pointers InOut: Scope Name Type Return StrCpyWtoA INT Input rwStr REFERENCE TO WSTRING rsStr REFERENCE TO STRING
GVL_OFFLINE (GVL) ¶ These data are used only in offline mode Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial g_axesCS ARRAY [0..(OFFLINE_MAX_AXIS + 1)] OF StruXYChartAxisClientSpecific g_curvesCS ARRAY [0..(OFFLINE_MAX_CURVE + 1)] OF StruXYChartCurveClientSpecific g_dummyFB Dummy Constant OFFLINE_MAX_AXIS INT 30 OFFLINE_MAX_CURVE INT 30
Interfaces ¶ IXYChartDataProvider (Interface) GetAxisFontLabel (Method) GetDataProviderCurve (Method) GetLineLevelFont (Method) GetLineLevelStruct (Method) GetNumberOfAxes (Method) GetNumberOfCurves (Method) GetPntAxis (Method) GetPntCurve (Method) GetPntData (Method) GetPntWorkingDataAxis (Method) GetPntWorkingDataCurve (Method) GetUpdateType (Method) GetVariableItf (Method) IsAxisVarLocal (Method) IsCurveVarLocal (Method) IsElementVarLocal (Method) IXYChartDataProvider2 (Interface) GetDataProviderAxis (Method) IXYChartDataProvider3 (Interface) GetPntAxisProper (Method) GetPntCurveProper (Method) GetPntDataProper (Method) SetMultiClientData (Method) IXYChartDataProviderAxis (Interface) GetVariableItf (Method) IXYChartDataProviderCurve (Interface) GetDataXUnchecked (Method) GetDataYUnchecked (Method) GetFirstDataXItf (Method) GetFirstDataYItf (Method) GetLowerBorder (Method) GetRawDataXUnchecked (Method) GetRawDataYUnchecked (Method) GetUpperBorder (Method) GetVariableItf (Method) IXYChartDataProviderCurveCheckPointer (Interface) IsDataXPointerChanged (Method) IsDataYPointerChanged (Method) IXYChartFont (Interface) IXYChartGenericVariable (Interface) GetValueBOOL (Method) GetValueREAL (Method) GetValueUDINT (Method) SetValueREAL (Method) IXYChartGenericVariable2 (Interface) GetValueDINT (Method) SetValueDINT (Method) IXYChartStringApproxMeasurer (Interface) XYChartMeasureStringApproximately (Method) IXYChartVisuStructLevelLine (Interface)
IXYChartDataProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IXYChartDataProvider EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Interface to get data from generated code Methods: GetAxisFontLabel GetDataProviderCurve GetLineLevelFont GetLineLevelStruct GetNumberOfAxes GetNumberOfCurves GetPntAxis GetPntCurve GetPntData GetPntWorkingDataAxis GetPntWorkingDataCurve GetUpdateType GetVariableItf IsAxisVarLocal IsCurveVarLocal IsElementVarLocal Structure: GetAxisFontLabel (Method) GetDataProviderCurve (Method) GetLineLevelFont (Method) GetLineLevelStruct (Method) GetNumberOfAxes (Method) GetNumberOfCurves (Method) GetPntAxis (Method) GetPntCurve (Method) GetPntData (Method) GetPntWorkingDataAxis (Method) GetPntWorkingDataCurve (Method) GetUpdateType (Method) GetVariableItf (Method) IsAxisVarLocal (Method) IsCurveVarLocal (Method) IsElementVarLocal (Method)
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve IMPLEMENTS IXYChartDataProviderCurve , IXYChartDataProviderCurveCheckPointer This function block is the implementation of the IXYChartDataProviderCurve interface. It is used by the generated code to provide suitable instances of this interface. It contains parameters of data array used in curve to calculate the curve An instance of this is present in generated code InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input firstDataX VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray firstDataY VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray Instance of FB that contains the definition of first cell in the array for X diLowerBorderX1 DINT Instance of FB that contains the definition of first cell in the array for Y diUpperBorderX1 DINT Lower border for dataX[], dimension 1 diLowerBorderX2 DINT Upper border for dataX[], dimension 1 diUpperBorderX2 DINT Lower border for dataX[], dimension 2 diLowerBorderY1 DINT Upper border for dataX[], dimension 2 diUpperBorderY1 DINT Lower border for dataY[], dimension 1 diLowerBorderY2 DINT Upper border for dataY[], dimension 1 diUpperBorderY2 DINT Lower border for dataY[], dimension 2 cursPosVar VisuFbXYChartGenericVariable Upper border for dataY[], dimension 2 Variable of curve value at cursor position, if present indexMinVar VisuFbXYChartGenericVariable Variable of minimum index value for curve array, if present indexMaxVar VisuFbXYChartGenericVariable Variable of maximum index value for curve array, if present Methods: GetDataXUnchecked GetDataYUnchecked GetFirstDataXItf GetFirstDataYItf GetLowerBorder GetRawDataXUnchecked GetRawDataYUnchecked GetUpperBorder GetVariableItf IsDataXPointerChanged IsDataYPointerChanged Structure: GetDataXUnchecked (Method) GetDataYUnchecked (Method) GetFirstDataXItf (Method) GetFirstDataYItf (Method) GetLowerBorder (Method) GetRawDataXUnchecked (Method) GetRawDataYUnchecked (Method) GetUpperBorder (Method) GetVariableItf (Method) IXYChartDataProviderCurveCheckPointer IsDataXPointerChanged (Method) IsDataYPointerChanged (Method)
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve.GetDataXUnchecked (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDataXUnchecked : REAL It returns the value of X at specific position, without check if the index is in the range. The assumption is that index control has already been executed InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetDataXUnchecked REAL Input diPos DINT
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve.GetDataYUnchecked (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDataYUnchecked : REAL It returns the value of Y at specific position, without check if the index is in the range. The assumption is that index control has already been executed InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetDataYUnchecked REAL Input diPos DINT
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve.GetFirstDataXItf (METH) ¶ METHOD GetFirstDataXItf : IXYChartGenericVariable It returns the interface to access of the first data X InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetFirstDataXItf IXYChartGenericVariable
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve.GetFirstDataYItf (METH) ¶ METHOD GetFirstDataYItf : IXYChartGenericVariable It returns the interface to access of the first data Y InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetFirstDataYItf IXYChartGenericVariable
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve.GetLowerBorder (METH) ¶ METHOD GetLowerBorder : DINT Get low border of data array for curve InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetLowerBorder DINT Input iDataForAx INT