VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement.AddRectangles (METH) ¶ METHOD AddRectangles : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddRectangles BOOL Input mgr IRectangleListManager
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement.GetCompleteSurroundingRect (METH) ¶ METHOD GetCompleteSurroundingRect : CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructSimpleRectangle Similar to GetSurroundingRect of IVisualElement. But here, the exact size has to be returned. Means, considering of possible outer frame line widths, which will enlarge the element. As well as considering rotation of the element or acute angles within polygons. Also the returnrect may be different offline or online. As online also dynamic movement is considered. Whereas offline only a possible static rotation can be used. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetCompleteSurroundingRect CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructSimpleRectangle
VisuFbDWORDVector.abstrSizeOfElement (METH) ¶ METHOD abstrSizeOfElement : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return abstrSizeOfElement UDINT
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement.IsCapturingEventsActive (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY IsCapturingEventsActive : BOOL Only for the interface. The slider handles the capturing process by itself in HandleInput
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement.ProvideInputRectangleList (METH) ¶ METHOD ProvideInputRectangleList InOut: Scope Name Type Input inputRectangleMgr IInputRectangleMgr
VisuFbMoveAbsoluteTapAware.prvIsChangedToPreviousCall (METH) ¶ METHOD prvIsChangedToPreviousCall : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvIsChangedToPreviousCall BOOL
VisuFbMoveAbsoluteTapAwareF.Execute (METH) ¶ METHOD Execute : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Execute BOOL Input iPointCount INT EffectivePoints POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF VisuStructPoint the input points are with int-coordinates (static position, that will be moved) pCenter POINTER TO VisuStructPoint the center is with int-coordinates (static center)
VisuFbMoveAbsoluteTapAwareF.prvIsChangedToPreviousCall (METH) ¶ METHOD prvIsChangedToPreviousCall : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvIsChangedToPreviousCall BOOL
VisuFctGetTargetVisuTouchFlags (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctGetTargetVisuTouchFlags : UINT Returns the touch flags that are currently active; in fact maps the settings to the according values understood by the runtime system InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctGetTargetVisuTouchFlags UINT
VisuFbScalingInfo.IsChanged (METH) ¶ METHOD IsChanged : BOOL Calling this method will return wheter there is currently a change. Please remark that this method cannot be called several times because the modified state is reset during the first call and will yield TRUE only after the next modification. InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsChanged BOOL