LastTimestampDate : STRING; sLastTimestampTime [...] BufferSize := 0, stringType := TYPE_CLASS.TYPE
PlannerTime [...] Type Input elemType GeoPrimType is
BACnetTimeStamp (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE BACnetTime [...] Out: Name Type tag CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_TIME_STAMP_TYPE
EFilterTimeRangeType [...] filterTypeElab EFilterTimeRangeType [...] ElaborateTime
VisuFbPrintDateTime [...] ToGlobalTextBuffer : Visu_TypeString InOut: Scope Name Type
VisuFbWriteDateTime [...] pointer to base type [...] Type Return Assign
SysTime64 (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SysTime [...] Type ulLow DWORD ul
VisuFbWriteDateTime [...] Type Return AssignIfValid BOOL Input pst Visu_Type
SysTimeRtcConvertHighResToLocal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTime [...] _RESULT Result” TYPE=”ERR
SysTimeRtcConvertLocalToHighRes (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTime [...] converts the time given