_SysEthernet WORD 16#2 Version [...] _SysEthernet WORD 16#1 ID for the [...] Class.EVTCLASS_INFO), 16) OR 16#2) Event
-Programm. IOConfig 16#2 [...] reserved word.
wEncoderID WORD 0 [...] Param1 DWORD dwParam2 DWORD [...] IndexCount WORD output: number
(3/2/1) points [...] . A2 SMC [...] the projection of B2
_VarList := ( wNumberVars := 2 [...] VarListID WORD 16#BBFA [...] NumberVars WORD 0 Contains the
superseeded by SMC_ReadNCFile2 [...] to use SMC_ReadNCFile2 [...] ] OF |ioSMC_GCODE_WORD
fora 4 Dışarı Ok 4ArrowsOut2 4ArrowsOut2 4 Pfeile Auswärts2 4
_GEOINFO . wAddAxis WORD Bit [...] Z: Bit 2 A: Bit 3 [...] AxisOutOfLimits WORD Axes that have
FB ProfileID WORD [...] datalayout 1 = SSP 3.1 2 = SSP 3.2 3 = SSP 3
FB ProfileID WORD [...] datalayout 1 = SSP 3.1 2 = SSP 3.2 3 = SSP 3