only in offline mode [...] WhichLv INT which axis I
only in offline mode [...] WhichLv INT which axis I
3_ReinitDrive (FunctionBlock) SMC_AxisChange [...] Interface ¶ AXIS_REF AXIS [...] Ref (Interface) GetAxis
is set as (AddAxisValue(i+1) - AddAxis [...] additional axis is linear
Name Type Inout Axis Axis_REF_SM3 in SMC [...] byControllerMode
in offline mode In [...] WhichLv INT which axis I
in offline mode In [...] WhichLv INT which axis I
the axis positions [...] axis positions are [...] which “mode” the
axis group. This [...] ) Movements with MC_BUFFER_MODE [...] ancillary limits with SMC_GroupSetAncillaryAxis
Axis AXIS_REF_SM3 Reference to axis Input [...] are allowed. BufferMode