InstanceNumber : USINT ; pby_Data : POINTER TO BYTE ; uiSizeOfData [...] _OUTPUT pby_ResponseData
(pbyData). Thereby [...] </param> pbyData [...] name=”pbyData” type
sent data from the [...] the pointer pData contains the data to be
IDatasourcesMgr3 ¶ UseDataExpanding (Method)
ISO8073_FB.TX_DT (ACT) ¶ ################################# Data ###########################################
ISO8073_FB.TX_CR (ACT) ¶ ################################# Data ###########################################
StackAllocatedMemory Frees data, which got [...] Input pData POINTER [...] the data/memory
=”pUserData” type [...] user data</element [...] _IEC_HANDLE ulFlags UDINT pUserData
data from the serial [...] the received data [...] received data bytes in pBuffer
UDINT Input pduData CHCProtocolDataUnit p [...] the data that shall