ToWrite POINTER TO STRING pDataToWriteTo POINTER TO BYTE data [...] _InputChecks Inout Const optDateTime
_SDO_INFO_LIST_TYPE Type of data to read udiTimeOut UDINT
Validity TIME For send lists: tExpirationTime is the time
StartBACnetStack (Method) AutomaticTimeSync (FunctionBlock) GetTime [...] ) TimeZone (Property
data structure [...] of the CAA_RealTime [...] -specific error TIME
Elem WORD Value 7: Data value udiTime [...] time, an error
data from the serial [...] the received data [...] ; 5001: time out) sz
: Data value udiTime [...] parameters Value 3: Data [...] time, an error
StartBACnetStack (Method) AutomaticTimeSync (FunctionBlock) GetTime [...] ) TimeZone (Property
ProviderSupportsPartialLists RetryTime State [...] PartialListProviderIfSupported Methods: Close ExecuteData [...] SwappingNeeded SendData