IStorage.UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime [...] UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime [...] Return UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime
Storage.UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime [...] UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime [...] UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime
current date and time [...] the current time [...] current clock time from
GetCurrentUtcOffset (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetCurrent [...] offset of the current
current invocation time [...] .ISharedArea ; dwCurrentCycleTime [...] time of a task. The
VisuFbWriteDateTimeVariableFormatted.GetStructTimeDate (METH) ¶ METHOD GetStructTimeDate : VisuStructTime
Current local time eTimezone PERIODE Current time [...] GetDateAndTime
ISharedArea.AreaCurrent [...] AreaCurrent [...] appropriate point in time.
execution time depends on [...] at the same time [...] influence the current
GetDateAndTime [...] _BLOCK GetDateAndTime This [...] returns the time of the