H (Function) XChgCreate [...] H (Function) FlatCreate [...] H (Function) _XChgCreate
CODESYS Development System
宣言が含まれています。 FUNCTION_BLOCK <access specifier> <function [...] <function block
CODESYS Development System
の行は次のように述べています。 FUNCTION_BLOCK POU [...] の一番上の行のエントリを展開します FUNCTION_BLOCK POU_Ex と
specific function block [...] function block. This [...] function block with the
QueueFactoryArgs (FunctionBlock) SharedQueueFactoryBase (FunctionBlock) Create [...] ¶ SharedQueue (FunctionBlock
AreaFactoryArgs (FunctionBlock) SharedAreaFactoryBase (FunctionBlock) Create [...] ¶ SharedArea (FunctionBlock
PoolFactoryArgs (FunctionBlock) BufferPoolFactoryBase (FunctionBlock) Create [...] ¶ BufferPool (FunctionBlock
ElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create [...] ElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create [...] ElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create
PointerFactoryArgs (FunctionBlock) SharedPointerFactoryBase (FunctionBlock) Create [...] Pointer (FunctionBlock) IInstance
Set (FunctionBlock) IPv4Address (FunctionBlock) Get [...] Request (FunctionBlock) IAction