of the user data [...] Out: Scope Name Type
_CODE.SUCCESSFUL is returned pbyData contains the read data [...] Name Type Initial
. This data is likley [...] data. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment
data of value [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Diag ChannelDiagnosisData
Name Type Return [...] CHCProtocolDataUnit target
monitoring data ERR_READ_MAX_CONN_TYPE [...] ) ¶ TYPE Cycle [...] READ_MAX_CONN_TYPE
data - no matter [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type Comment Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_Data
Out: Scope Name Type Comment Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_Data