: BOOL Resets current [...] to its beginning [...] BOOL
: BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Write BOOL Input pData POINTER TO BYTE n
: BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Write BOOL Input pData POINTER TO BYTE n
: BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Write BOOL Input pData POINTER TO BYTE n
: BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Write BOOL Input pData POINTER TO BYTE n
BitStringSetBit : BOOL Sets a bit [...] BitStringSetBit BOOL Input bit [...] the bit to set bit
Bits : BOOL This method is used to modify [...] Return writeBits BOOL
( IN := VarBOOL1 , PT := T#5s ); VarBOOL [...] Comment Input IN BOOL
set to DT#1970-01 [...] block can be used to [...] adjusting the FB to the
order to guarantee [...] Off to change the [...] _REF_SML Reference to the axis