, * (System) Namespace: SysTime [...] SystemLibrary: False [...] SystemLibrary: False
Header creationDateTime date 20 [...] H libraryFile SysTime [...] contentFile SysTime
SystemLibrary: False [...] SystemLibrary: False [...] App, * (System) Namespace: Cmp
Core, * (System) Namespace: SysTime [...] SystemLibrary: False [...] SystemLibrary: False
, * (System) Namespace: SysTime [...] SystemLibrary: False [...] SystemLibrary: False
¶ Placeholder: System_VisuElemsDateTime [...] Key: System_VisuElemsDateTime [...] SystemLibrary: False
(Function) GetSystemTime [...] _TO_RTS_SYSTIMEDATE (Function) DateTimeToString (Function) DateTime
System_VisuElemsDateTime [...] Header creationDateTime date 23 [...] H libraryFile VisuElemsDateTime
, * (System) Namespace: SysTime [...] SystemLibrary: False [...] Company: System
coordinate system [...] coordinate system of the [...] CoordSystem SMC_COORD_SYSTEM