Configuration2 Identifies the current [...] TimingControlled BOOL xTimeLimited BOOL xTime
Channel4 Properties: Current [...] IPersistenceChannel3 LogWriteTime [...] Channel2 Structure: Current
between the current and [...] Comment Input taskCycleTime [...] the current sample
State The current state [...] segment1 SegmentId taskCycleTime
Configuration2 Identifies the current [...] TimingControlled BOOL xTimeLimited BOOL xTime
appropriate point in time [...] . (See: ISharedArea.AreaCurrent
the elapsed time [...] case of a cycle time [...] _FIXCYCLE , where the cycle time
Configuration Identifies the current [...] ITimingControlled xTime [...] ITimeLimited xTime
the current offset [...] ; 5101: time out)
Configuration2 Identifies the current [...] ITimingControlled xTime [...] ITimeLimited xTime