Name Type Initial Constant CLASSID_CSysInt
Out: Scope Name Type Initial Constant ITFID_ISysInt
Info (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Symbol [...] Type pRoots POINTER [...] VarsBase.SymbolsBaseNode count INT
(STRUCT) ¶ TYPE [...] Out: Name Type sin_family INT sin_port UINT
_TG_SolutionInterval (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC [...] Type si [...] IndexQuicker SINT sign INT
Type Initial Comment [...] M INT Number of the M-function poqData
ReadInputs : INT This method can [...] Type Return AfterReadInputs INT
WriteOutputs : INT This method can [...] Type Return BeforeWriteOutputs INT
WriteOutputs : INT This method can [...] Type Return BeforeWriteOutputs INT
ReadInputs : INT This method can [...] Type Return AfterReadInputs INT