type. NOT_ENOUGH_DATA [...] ) ¶ TYPE ERROR : CIP [...] expected data was
(Method) LineType (Property) SetNewCertData
timestamps of the data in [...] Out: Scope Name Type
_T_DP_SET_BUSPARAMETER_REQ (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOFTING [...] Type bf_flag USINT [...] _timeout UINT data
, as soon as data [...] reset, the data will [...] regardless of new data
soon as data output [...] , the data will loose [...] new data available
Out: Scope Name Type [...] D POINTER TO BYTE Data [...] even number >= 2 udiSizeData
¶ IXYChartData [...] AxisFontLabel (Method) GetData [...] PntCurve (Method) GetPntData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] BytesSwapped UDINT Input pData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] BytesSwapped UDINT Input pData