methods. Methods: AfterReadingData [...] ReadingVariableValuesOfRow BeforeReadingData [...] ContinueReading FinalizeReading FirstData
. This data is likley [...] data. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment
read data from the [...] pointer pData specifies [...] write the read data
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _PARALLEL_CONNECT UINT 6 MaxAlarmData [...] AlarmPayloadLength UINT 16#C8 CommFB.MaxAlarmData
Type Comment Inout [...] axis Input ConfigData [...] input config data
data base InOut: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] IIParameterData
Name Type Initial [...] E prototcol uiVendorType [...] vendor type for the Vo
corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type
corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type