Elem BYTE udiTimeOut UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiData
time.) Note Data is [...] _ENTRIES_REMAINING, data has been [...] TraceBuffer, but more data can
time.) Note Data is [...] , starting at a given time [...] with a time stamp
Elem BYTE udiTimeOut UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiData
.ERROR It receives data [...] .IConnection Connection to use pData [...] to write the data
time and date data [...] handling of a real time
contains all the data [...] Type Comment xDataValid BOOL If the data are
ERR_RDT_NO_DATA No data in the queue ERR_RDT_TIME
ServiceLog_Binary (Function) PlcServiceLog_CurrentTime (Function) PlcServiceLog_DumpDataItem (Function) PlcServiceLog_DumpData
WrongService ODErrorTimeOut ODErrorReplyCPUStopped ODErrorData