to the PLCopen [...] Owner INT 0 Parameter [...] _REF_SM3 iNoOwner INT 0
to the PLCopen [...] Owner INT 0 Parameter [...] _REF_SM3 iNoOwner INT 0
to the PLCopen [...] Owner INT 0 Parameter [...] _REF_SM3 iNoOwner INT 0
to the PLCopen [...] Owner INT 0 Parameter [...] _REF_SM3 iNoOwner INT 0
connector maps int the [...] ConnectorMapList POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap Pointer to the
necessary to have the [...] used to control the [...] iErrorID INT
Var __XWORD Points to the [...] FbXYChartGenericVariable diSize DINT Data [...] FbXYChartGenericVariable GetValueDINT
MaxDirEntry DINT Max number of bytes to write in sz [...] DirInfo POINTER TO Dir
SockAddrSize POINTER TO DINT Pointer [...] address of the peer to [...] _IEC_HANDLE Handle to the socket p
TO BYTE dwBufferSize DWORD bSwap DINT Clients have TO set