Taskname POINTER TO STRING Task [...] Type is set to ASYNCJOB [...] to 0. ph
_IEC_RESULT Iteration interface to [...] _IEC_HANDLE Handle to authorized [...] _IEC_HANDLE Iteration handle to use
_Logical_Axis the need to add a logical axis to the [...] block. wDriveID WORD
Value (Property) ElementCompareTo [...] Value (Property) ElementCompareTo [...] Element (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo
BeforeLeave (Action) ProceedTo [...] Number (Method) GetString [...] Number (Method) SetString
PlcAddr STRING The address of [...] connect to, in the form [...] connection has to be made
DataSetREF POINTER TO IEC [...] BRCBName tyIEC61850_AT_VisSTRING [...] tyIEC61850_AT_VisSTRING
Name STRING Proxy name pClDesc POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] StructMonitorAlarmClassDesc Where to store the
Name STRING Proxy name pGrpDesc POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] StructMonitorAlarmGroupDesc Where to store the
_IEC_HANDLE Handle to authorized [...] User STRING User name, limited to 59 chars p